Author: pps-DUEditor

More women today are educating themselves about breast cancer than ever before. Unfortunately, there is no guaranteed way to prevent breast cancer. Any woman with a family history of breast cancer is automatically predisposed to the condition. But, even though one can’t prevent it, there are still some steps one can take to lower the risk of developing breast cancer. Let’s find out how. What Is Breast Cancer? Breast cancer refers to the abnormal growth of cells in one or both breasts. Such abnormal growth may be benign or cancerous. There are different types of breast cancers. The type of…
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Long hours sitting at a desk and reduced physical activity can often lead to knee pain. Mild to moderate knee pain can be eliminated by incorporating some simple stretches and exercises into your routine. Here’s a quick guide to some basic stretches that can help manage knee pain: Knee To Chest Stretch Lie on the back with your legs outstretched. Join both legs, fold them, and bring the knees as close to the chest as possible. Count till ten and relax again. Repeat this exercise 5 times. Knee Extension Start by sitting on a chair. Avoid slouching; the back must…
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Kidneys are essential for the healthy functioning of the human body. They help detoxify the blood, filter out waste in the form of urine, balance vital fluids, maintain electrolyte levels, and regulate blood pressure. They also make red blood cells and ensure strong bones. In the course of a lifetime, sometimes, kidneys unexpectedly develop masses or tumors inside them. Such abnormal growths may or may not be cancerous. Whether a kidney mass is benign or malignant can depend on its size. Smaller kidney masses are more likely to be non-cancerous, whereas larger ones might be cancerous. In either situation, it’s…
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Arthritis can be debilitating, causing pain and inflammation in the joints. Though treatments exist, many people are skeptical about using mainstream medicines. Luckily nature has plenty of remedies that can alleviate the pain and help those suffering from arthritis to live a more active lifestyle. Here are five of the most effective treatments for arthritis. Let’s get started! Aloe Vera This plant has been used as a treatment for arthritis for thousands of years. Aloe vera reduces inflammation, and since arthritis is an inflammatory disease, it works great! This was proven in 2014 in research involving rats. When taken orally,…
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Lung cancer is a severe type of cancer that begins in the lungs. It’s one of the deadliest forms of the disease, causing more deaths than any other type of cancer. Smoking is a huge risk factor for lung cancer, but it can also occur in those who’ve never smoked in their life. The risk of cancer increases dramatically with the number of years and number of cigarettes a person has smoked. If someone stops smoking, even after having smoked for many years, their chances of developing lung cancer will be reduced. A range of factors can influence the risk…
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Driving by car is a big part of life and can be stressful. The cost of gas and the environmental impact have become major concerns for many drivers, who now have an alternative—electric and hybrid vehicles. These eco-friendly vehicles are highly fuel-efficient when it comes to getting from point A to point B. They also offer plenty of comfort and convenience features that will improve your commute in ways you may not have considered before. Still not convinced? Here’s how electric cars can change your life. Lower Fuel Costs The price of fuel has skyrocketed in recent months, and as…
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Medicare is a federal health insurance plan that is meant for people who are 65 and older. The plan may also offer health insurance coverage for younger people with disabilities, as well as those with end-stage renal disease. Original Medicare includes various “Parts” that cover different services. These include: – Medicare Part A: Medicare Part A covers inpatient hospital stay, home healthcare, hospice care, and care in a skilled nursing facility. – Medicare Part B: Medicare Part B covers doctors’ services, medical supplies, outpatient care, and preventive services. – Medicare Part D: Medicare Part D helps cover the cost of…
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SUVs may be the most common vehicle on the road, but traditional sedans are still a popular choice among car buyers. Thanks to their fuel efficiency and affordable pricing, sedans like the Honda Civic, Honda Accord, and Kia Rio make for excellent family-car alternatives to SUVs. Below, we’ve put together a list of the top sedans in the market right now. Kia Rio Subcompact cars are known to drive poor and look and feel cheap. The Kia Rio, however, puts forth a pretty substantial appearance both on the inside and outside that belies its affordable price tag. It features a…
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Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes inflammation or swelling of the tissues in the digestive tract. This can lead to severe diarrhea, abdominal pain, fatigue, malnutrition, and weight loss. Inflammation caused as a result of Crohn’s disease can often spread to the deeper layers of the bowel, causing more complications. The condition can be both debilitating and painful and can lead to life-threatening complications, as well. While there is no known cure for the disease, there are several remedies that can help ease the symptoms and even bring about remission. With the right treatment, people who…
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Want to buy a life insurance policy but unsure of where to begin? This guide is for! Here’s everything you’ve got to know about life insurance. Types of Life Insurance There are two main categories: term and permanent. But they’re then further divided into subcategories. Term Life Insurance: Term life insurance provides a predetermined amount of coverage for a fixed term and usually comes with a fixed monthly or annual payment. This type only offers a death benefit so if you die during the stated term with paid-up premiums, your beneficiaries will get the face value of the death benefit. Permanent…
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