Author: pps-DUEditor

Like any big project, a successful home buying experience is all about getting the details right at every stage, from start to finish. Here are a few tips for first-time homebuyers to help navigate the process, save money as well, as close the deal. Start Saving Early Here are the few main things to consider when saving for a home: Down payment: This will depend on the type of mortgage you choose and the lender you go for, but even a small down payment can be challenging to save. Closing costs: These are the fees and expenses paid to finalize…
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If you’re looking for a personal loan, you may have a huge number of options to choose from. In addition to looking at loans from your bank or credit union, you can also borrow money—often very quickly—from a number of online lenders catering to a range of borrowers. The catch lies in finding the best fit on a personal loan needs a bit of shopping as personal loan rates, fees, and terms often vary widely from lender to lender—and sometimes from loan to loan and borrower to borrower. To get the loan best suited for your situation, you’ll need to…
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Mortgage rates are now at historic lows, prompting a flurry of homeowners who are rushing to refinance. The refinancing process isn’t that much different from the process you followed to get your first mortgage. In the simplest of terms, refinancing a mortgage lets you take out a new mortgage loan to pay off your old loan. Your new loan will have a different interest rate and terms, and may even be from a different lender than the one you originally worked with. With this new loan, you will essentially be resetting the repayment clock, increasing the payment schedule, and giving…
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Before investing in your new TV, you should know the difference between LED and LCD displays. Though both provide a high-definition picture, each handles creating it a little differently and has a few other differences as well. Both types of TV screens and monitors display a bright, high-definition picture but if you want to save money on the hardware, go with an older LCD setup. LED screens may offer more cost savings in the long run, however, because the system usually requires less energy to operate. Although they’re more expensive, the newer LED screens are generally lighter than LCDs, especially…
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Choosing an internet service provider can be super tough. You have to read through confusing contract details, package choices, and a lot of fine print—and you may still end up making the wrong choice. Here, we’ll walk you through the process of choosing an ISP. Find Internet Providers The first step in choosing an ISP is to figure out what’s available in your area. There are two reasons you should do this: Coverage areas differ for each provider so your choices will be limited right out of the gate to the providers that offer good service in your area. Features…
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Making the switch from one cell phone plan to another can be very confusing, especially when it comes to navigating the world of data, minutes, perks, and prices. We’ve put together a handy guide to the best cell phone plans to arm you with the basics of what a good cell phone plan looks like and the companies that offer them. Best Value Mint Mobile: 4GB Mint offers a fantastic entry-level pre-paid plan for light users or those who are on a strict budget. It piggybacks off the T-Mobile network of the country and gives you access to the 5G…
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In the market for a new phone? Whether you’re looking for a big or small phone, entry-level or top of the line, you’re likely to find an Android that will suit your needs. Unlike Apple’s release schedule, Google’s hardware partners always seem to be unleashing a seemingly endless stream of new devices year-round. But therelies the problem: with so many options available, how do you choose the right one? Here are our top picks for this year’s Android phones: Google Pixel 3a This phone from Google ups the ante for what we can expect from mid-range smartphones, offering many similar…
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It’s almost been a decade in the making: 5G is now a reality. Wireless carriers have started rolling out 5G to a few cities a few years ago, and mobile internet access is now widely available, depending on your phone plan. But what exactly is 5G? It sometimes seems as though there are more questions about 5G than there are answers available. Some wonder where it is available, and if they’ll ever see it in their own city, while others are interested in which 5G phone they should invest in. What is 5G? While there are a lot of specifics…
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If you suffer from some degree of hearing loss, you’re in good company. A large number of Americans report some difficulty hearing at some point during their lives. While a hearing aid can improve your ability to hear, it can’t magically cure hearing loss. They do, however, boost your quality of life significantly. Your doctor may recommend a small electronic device called a hearing aid if you report difficulty hearing. You wear this device in or behind your ear. Hearing aids come with three different parts: microphone, amplifier, speaker. They are differentiated by where you place them, how they work,…
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A balanced diet is key to keeping your eyes super healthy, and may even actually help reduce your risk for developing serious eye conditions – some you may be able to prevent with a healthy diet include cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma, dry eyes, and poor night vision. Your eyes need a healthy dose of a range of antioxidants to stay healthy, including nutrients like lutein, beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, vitamins A, C, and E, omega-3 fatty acids, and zinc. Here are a few foods that include these essential nutrients: Fish such as salmon, are a great food to consume for eye health…
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